He knew there was a problem. A big one. Unapologetically emphasizing the state of my brokenness, he drove north. A symposium of sighs and a requiem of reveries pulsated every thought and unspoken Spokane feeling. Spring is here. But not here.
I’m bitter, entrenched in a purgatory of scorching heat. Picked bone dry. My solid solace is a ground of sand, pebbles and needles cried away from mourning saguaros. (Not the needles I’m used too.) Not those either. The blue spruces intermingled with the yellow ponderosas. The fond, familiar feeling of a gusty, frosty breeze. I’m met instead with stagnant, coarse, unforgivable convection. My firm conviction is the hybrid seasons and the impending change are now extinct. A place of complacency.
I open the biggest Jessup cab, turn up the AC and don a fuzzy hoodie next to the fireside tv screen. It’s April, but I don’t think the blog dogs will mind. A frozen heart belies the intense, unwelcome heat, but at least the salmon bowl will warm my soul.

Serves 2 and your blog dogs, Takes about 45 min
Ingredients for Za’atar Salmon Bowl
- 2 salmon fillets (approx 8oz each)
- ~15 baby bellas, sliced
- ~same amount of cauliflower florets
- 6 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 tbsp Zaatar seasoning, divided
- 1 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1/2 cup chicken stock + 3 cups chicken stock for pilaf
- Juice of 2 limes, divided
- Zest of 1 lime
- Salt, pepper, olive oil
- 1 box good pilaf, made according to instructions (see note below)
- 1 small handful parsley leaves, chopped
- 3 sprigs tarragon, minced
- 3 chives, diced
- 1 tub creme fraîche ~ 6oz
- 1 avocado, sliced
- 3 jalapeños (optional)

Method and Assembly
First, let’s make the lime crema: In a bowl, pour the creme fraîche, half of the lime juice, all the zest and a pinch of salt together and whisk. Refrigerate immediately.
Ok now time for pilaf: Add a glug of olive oil to a sauce pot and heat to medium high. Add the rice allowing to crisp slightly in the oil. I like to mix it a few times before adding in chicken stock. Once your ready for it, add 3 cups of stock or until the rice is just covered by the liquid. Cook according to directions and fluff with a fork when done.
Turn off the heat and mix in tarragon, chives and parsley.
Light your grill to medium high.
Let’s get the veggies ready: Line a sheet tray with heavy duty foil. Add a good amount of olive oil (about 3 tbsp) to a mixing bowl and add the mushrooms, cauliflower, and jalapeños. Season with 1 tbsp of the Za’atar spice mix, a good bit of salt, and red pepper flakes. Mix well and turn out onto sheet tray.
Place the foil on the grill and pour the 1/2 cup of chicken stock over the mushrooms. Turn the heat down to medium and allow to cook for about 12 minutes, stirring often.
Once the veggies are nearing a golden doneness you are ready to cook up the fish. Season the salmon flesh with 1 tbsp Za’atar, liberal amount of salt, olive oil and the rest of the lime juice.
Grill on medium heat flesh side down first for about 4 minutes. The fish will come off the grate easily when it is ready to be flipped, so don’t force it if it’s not quite there. Grill the skin side for an additional 2 mins*. This will yield a medium interior. Yum.
Ok – throw it together: Pilaf first, salmon, veggies, avocado slices, garnish with more herbs, lots of lime juice and the lime crema.

*In many recipes it’s better to cook the skin side of the fish first, primarily when basting. You can absolutely do that here too if you prefer, but in this application on the grill the skin stays crisp both ways.
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