It was time to choose. I laid there, thick in the struggle. It’s real, believe me. The middle ground between reaching contentment and the debilitating feeling of an overwhelming, endless, insurmountable need for more.
Strive further, go faster, hold out longer, reach higher.
What about when this moment used to be the goal? The achievement, seemingly so hard to conceptualize. So far from the beaten path, you weren’t even sure it was a path or road or possible track. And then. Possible, happened.
But now, not even a glimmer or smirk for your former self’s masterpiece. Not an “I did it.” Not so much as a “cheers mate” or “I’m proud of this.” None of that can possibly exist because that would exercise satisfaction – which is far from the given emotion of the moment. Future endeavors, goals, opportunities, challenges and the like would be erased. Possible can only stay possible by going. Never stopping. Never smiling and looking back on what was.
This is the mentality of brilliant minded, super successful people. But is it wise? Even true? Can we feel secure in the presence of accomplishment without loosing sight (and focus and drive) for prospective successes?
Maybe. Maybe not.
I’m not one for mediocrity. Balance and I have always swung in the balance, if you catch my drift. And if you catch it I might wind up unsteady.
The choice is yours. Me? I want it both ways. (Start humming a Backstreet Boy tune and you have absolutely caught that gist I was referring too.) Time to double down.
Experience fulfillment and chase an ever evolving dream…Know gratification and propel new ideas…Feel happiness but also the burning desire for more…
What’s there to loose? Except possibly everything.
While your pondering, here’s another quandary. Which crostini?

Feeds a party; Takes about 30 min for each
Ingredients for Leek & Stilton Crostini with Pomegranate
- 8oz Blue Stilton cheese, at room temp
- 1 baguette, slice into crostini toasts ~ 15
- 1/2 stick salted butter + 1 tbsp
- 2 leeks, fibrous green ends removed, sliced thinly in rounds, and washed well
- 1 1/2 tbsp local clover honey (or whatever your fav is)
- 1/2 cup raw pecans (I’ve also made with walnuts – delish), roughly chopped
- 1/3 cup pomegranate arils
- EVOO, salt and pepper
Pre heat oven to 400F.
In a frying pan over medium heat, sauté the leeks with the half stick of butter, a good glug of olive oil and a bit of salt/pepper. Once they start to sweat turn your heat down to med/low and cook, stirring often. The idea is to keep them very tender and soft, not to get any crisp edges. This is accomplished in 10-12 min.
In a small frying pan, add the tbsp of butter, the pecans and a pinch of salt. Cook for 2-3 min, until fragrant.
Line a baking tray with parchment paper and the crostini toasts.
Crumble over the stilton on each one – I usually use most of the cheese for the entire baguette.
Spoon over the warm leeks.
Top the leeks with the nuts.
Bake for 5-7 min until the cheese is oozy.
Remove and drizzle over the honey.
Top with pomegranate arils and serve.

Ingredients for Roasted Grape and Goat Cheese Crostini
- 1 baguette sliced into crostini ~ 15
- Approx. 30 red grapes
- 8-10oz goat cheese
- 3 tbsp heavy whipping cream
- 2 tbsp whole milk
- 1 small rosemary sprig, leaves minced
- 1 1/2 tbsp agave
- Butter, EVOO, salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 400F.
Roast grapes for 15 in a casserole dish with a splash of olive oil.
Meanwhile, heat a large shallow frying pan to med/high heat. Butter both sides of the crostini and cook in the pan until golden (about 1-2 min/side). *This will likely need to be done in a few batches*.
In a mixing bowl or kitchen aid mixer, whisk together the goat cheese, milk, cream, about 1/4 tsp salt, rosemary and a little ground white or black pepper.
Layer the bread with the whipped cheese.
Top with grapes.
Drizzle with agave and serve.

So, anyway? Which is your fav? Did you choose 1 or make both? Told ya it was a hard choice.
Need some more merriment inspiration? Here’s my holiday list: