The dog whimpers. The baby whines. The daddy works. The mummy wonders…will the fickle flecks of fingers fumbling the flickering keys find a way? A way to inspire, drown out the fussy fuzziness beckoning clarity and rear its head free from fog?
Or will the tones become burdensome? A whimsical bewilderment beckoning big ideas. Notions of nothingness. No sounds. Impenetrable silence.
I don’t know. It’s dark there. Lonely.
The whines though, they interrupt and interject. Lost in a clamorous, cantankerous melody. Distracted. Direction is adrift. Disoriented. Dazed, the sonorous smog smothers again.
I’ve decided, it’s better here. Loud and cloudy. Overcast but not ominous. I kinda like the whines. I like the wine too.
What goes great with wine? Sweet Onion, Gruyere and Bacon Quiche, of course. Surely, one of life’s greatest pleasures.
Good for dinner or breakfast. Eaten beautifully in chaos or in perfect silence.

Makes enough for 4; Takes 50 min
Ingredients for Sweet Onion, Gruyere & Bacon Quiche
- 6-8 strips of crispy bacon, cut into small pieces
- 1/2 medium sized sweet onion, small dice
- 8 dashes truffle oil
- 6 eggs
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 3/4 cup half and half
- 1/2 cup full fat mozzarella, shredded
- 3/4 cup gruyere cheese, shredded (reserving about 1/3 seperately)
- 4 sprigs fresh thyme, minced
- 3 sprigs fresh oregano, minced
- 1 sheet puff pastry, thawed, rolled out to large square or rectangle (slightly larger than the 8×8 or 10x10in baking dish your using)
- Nonstick, flavorless cooking spray
- Avocado oil, salt and black pepper
Method for Quiche preparation
Preheat oven to 400F.
In a medium sized sauté pan over medium heat, cook onion and herbs in 2 tbsp avocado oil. Season with salt to sweat onion and stir for 2-3 min until translucent. Add truffle oil, garlic powder and pepper cooking for about 5 more min, until golden. Remove from heat.
Spray a large lipped baking dish (8×8 or 10×10 inches works well) with nonstick spray. Line dish with the puff pastry sheet and pierce holes in the dough with a fork.
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk eggs, salt, pepper, half and half and cooled onion mixture.
Add cheeses and bacon and whisk until all incorporated and the eggs are homogenous.
Pour the mixture over the puff pastry.
Add the remaining gruyere to the top.
Bake for 35-40 min uncovered.
It will be done when you giggle the pan but the eggs don’t giggle. Very technical, I know. Let it sit for 10 min and then cut into it. It will be firm enough to hold together but gooey from the cheese.

Enjoy with coffee (or wine) or Mummy’s Mimosas perhaps?
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