Today – something happened. I got lost. You may remember the time I got lost in Seattle (in this little Blog excerpt here). But today, at home, I got lost – deep in the restaurant issue of Food and Wine magazine. The sun soaked, mid afternoon shine and familiar, sunken couch cushion beckoned. Come hither. Rest, indulge.
You see, this brings me back to a past life. A life filled to the brim with glass after life giving glass of rosé or pino or the like. A gnawing feeling in your empty stomach, clinging to the supple, acidic juices that dwindle my day dreaming affairs, tickling my thoughts with formidable meals of the future.
I miss cooking with wine. I mean, I miss drinking wine while cooking. I mean, I miss drinking wine. Now I just whine about missing wine. “Whoa is me!” (As I clutch the wine soaked tablecloth that implores last years tear drops). The beer battered splatter that swept across the kitchen counter, leaving only a sticky, liquidated reminder of seasons past. The whiskey daze that faded into laughter filled roars inspiring jubilant nights by the yuletide fire. Pour after unabashed pour. I do miss that.
I don’t miss the hangover part – but luckily for pregnant women everywhere – we get to endure a different withdrawal that gleans the same headachy, nauseating, melancholic reaction.
Who claims the obnoxiously tired, pandering, nonproductive hours that spin into unsettled, unconscious nights coaxed with clouded noses, fogged minds and acid reflux pooling in the tides of vertical sleep? The pregnant do. How lovely.
Outshining your inner sarcasm a new version of you is blossoming.
A better version of you.
A maturing, maternal version that can revere in the subtle sweetness of sprite, cider or sweet tea. Is it just a temporary temperament?
Outside the window the breeze has a chilly vibrance to it. Autumn is near. The chance to cook with wine will find a way again. Until then, a handsome Cuban can kiss me with his crimson, tannic lips.
I didn’t have any wine today. I had a golden kiwi and a hunk of Bulgarian feta. And I when I sat down with my prized September issue, I had no idea what steam engine was coming for me. It was barreling. But I got on.
It felt so good – In the most ‘on the wagon’ way possible.
I miss my wine smeared lips and red stained carpets. Here we go again…I miss tumbling into granite counter’s trusty edge. I miss sitting on the clawed wooden floors (destroyed namely by a sweet, clumsy German Sheppard) looming deep into the fire’s hypnotic mystique.
Once I was told; it’s good to miss things. Makes the heart grow fonder? Not really sure if I can get fonder of wine. But this wait is most definitely feeding the will power of my soul. See you soon, vin de table. Tonight’s sober stuffed shells will meet the bill.

Feeds 3-4, Takes 40 min
Ingredients for Shell Filling
- 1 1/2 cups full fat ricotta cheese
- 1/4 tsp fresh, grated nutmeg
- 1 cup full fat mozzarella, shredded (please do not use the bagged variety here)
- 2 cups kale (I used Lacinato), roughly chopped
- 1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
- 2 eggs
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- Salt, pepper, EVOO
Extra Ingredients
- 1 cup All Day Marinara
- 1 bag large shell pasta; cooked & drained
- 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
In a large pan, sauté kale & basil with a bit of salt and EVOO over med high heat ~ 3 min until tender.
Turn down heat to med low and add garlic. Cook for 5 min or until garlic is fragrant and golden. Stir often and do not burn. Kale should be wilted by now.
Allow this mixture to cool.
Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix together cheeses, eggs, nutmeg and additional salt and pepper. Add kale to this and combine.
Spoon this mixture into a large ziplock baggy or piping bag.
Line a baking dish with a hefty dollop of the marinara.
Pipe the cheese filling into shells and place carefully on top of sauce.
Top these beauties with panko and more marinara. Drizzle with EVOO. Bake for 25 minutes under foil. Then remove foil and bake another 5 min at 450 degrees. Serve immediately.

They are so good your glass could be filled with pino gris or white grape juice and you wouldn’t even know the difference;)
Hello there. I see you need more pasta recipes.