What is there even left to talk about? I hit a mental hemorrhoid. A impediment, if you will. A magnanimous impasse barricading thought. A windswept notion passes, but it’s too flighty for me to catch. How? Why can’t I get past this?
This imposition stifles, and wavering worries plague me. Introspection reveals internal nothingness.
Out of the blue, two crimson cardinals dance in a chartreuse willow. Fire roasted chilis perplex my beak. A plume swathes me.
They are trying to grasp my attention. But I can’t turn. I’m in the danger zone.
Evidently inspiration innervates through the footprints of winged beings and produce puckering over a campfire. Crackling skin on the poblanos.
Road block. Fork in the road. Knife in my heart. Straw in my mouth. Somebody make me a margarita.

Serves 4; Takes 10 min + 2 hrs for ice cubes
Ingredients for Smoky Grapefruit Margarita
- 3 oz silver reposado tequila
- 3 oz mezcal
- 3 oz cointreau
- 16 oz fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, divided (half for ice cubes)
- 8 grapefruit ice cubes* see below
- 6 regular ice cubes
- Zest and juice of 1 key lime
- 2 tbsp superfine white sugar

*Note on ice cubes – make these 2 hrs ahead:) Pour 8 oz of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice into ice cube trays and freeze.
Ok, here we go.
Mix sugar and lime zest and pour onto a flat surface large enough for your glass rims.
Cut the lime in quarters and rub it along the rim of your glass. Now dunk the rim in the lime sugar.
In a martini shaker, mix the tequila, mezcal, cointreau, grapefruit juice and regular ice cubes.
Place 2 grapefruit ice cubes in each of your 4 glasses and pour mixture out in equal portions. Garnish with extra lime or grapefruit slices.

What else inspires? Hold onto your fanny packs: