I stood there glassy eyed. Cryptically sober. Shivering, unconsciously knowing the impending nuisance loomed.
Hour after fastidious hour. Cast over lifeless cast. The stream ruffles and flies scud the vitreous current. No bite except those of the unpleasant American tsetse. Poke. Swat. Another bloody epidermal sting.
A pungent stagnancy infests. Sulfur? A down stream gaggle hilariously mock our lackluster bounty. A blue gill? Too small to tell, too bony to eat.
Where are the trout? The spawn, the eggs, the fire crackling the salty skin as lemon sizzles and swirls in a bed of flames?
I take another bite of salted Ruffles brimming with clam dip. Chip, dip, and sip of chilled secco. My nerves ease. The sun pops out for a quick hello. The tsetse bites and goosebumps dissipate. For a second only, I’m warm.
Ruffles and rustles in the brush stress my coddled mind. A bear? A moose? A restless bunch of pigmy pigeons?
The fire is nearing fatality. Should we call it? Time of death – 2:35 pm.
We pack up the site and head back west. Two water snakes, a thousand ruffles, innumerous tsetses. Not one fish.
Costco is on the way home. And they have trout, just as God intended. See you in 45 min.

Takes 20 min; Feeds and army of angry fishless anglers
Ingredients for Trout Dip
- 1 1/2 cups full fat cream cheese
- 1/2 cup full fat greek yogurt (I like Fage or Ellenos)
- 3 tbsp sour cream (you get it, this is not diet dip)
- 2 tsp dried tarragon (or 1 tbsp fresh, minced)
- 2 tbsp fresh basil + 2 tsp, separated and minced
- 1 jalapeño, charred and diced*
- 3 scallions, charred and diced
- 1/2 small red onion, small dice
- zest of 1 1/2 lemons, divided
- 2 lemons cut in half and charred (to use juice)
- 2 filets (approx. 12-16 oz) of steelhead trout, grilled with salt and flaked (or other trout/salmon would work nicely too) – see bottom note for method**
- 1 hefty glug 1/2 and 1/2
- 2 tbsp garlic powder
- salt, pep

Whip the cream cheese, 1/2 & 1/2, sour cream, greek yogurt, large pinch salt and tarragon together until smooth. I did this with my handy KitchenAid.
Add lemon zest, garlic powder, 1/2 of the basil and mix again. Taste and adjust your salt.
Layer the base of a large dish with the cream cheese mixture.
Top with flaked trout, then red onion, jalapeños and scallions.
Drizzle the charred lemon juice over the top and decorate with the remaining basil, zest and flaked sea salt and pepper.
Serving ideas – Parmesan tuiles, endive spears, crostini, etc!
*To char the jalapeños and scallions you could simply roast them over high heat on a grill turning often until blackened or over an open flame on your gas range. Make sure to use long tongs (so you don’t burn yourself:)
**This dip is a great use for leftover fish. Usually I will grill the trout with lemon juice, olive oil and salt the night prior:
Light the grill to high heat then turn down to medium high. Sear the fish flesh side down until is removes easily from the grill grates (about 3-4 min). Make sure to liberally oil and season the skin side and cook another 3-4 min (depending on thickness of your fillets). I like mine to be medium.
Allow to rest and consume, naturally.
Flake the leftovers and remove the skin. Reserve skin as treats for your 4 legged friends.
Make an impressive and divine dip, worthy of sharing..or not.

Need more fishy sustenance? Try my Citrus Halibut in Pandemic Papillote! Or perhaps you’d like Midwinter MahiMahi? Would you prefer Clam and Langostino Chowder with Bacon?