I’m startled awake.
I guess that’s only half true because I was somewhere between sleep and restless tussling. What was it? An earthquake? A runaway train? A plane pummeling toward my bedroom with reckless abandon?
No. I’m afraid not.
The persistent rumbling is consistent with the clogged nasal passages of my German Shepherd – Glob, the blog dog. His sonorous snuffles echo against the shark fin grey walls and then bounce back in gleeful repetition against my inner ear canal.
I peer in the direction of my blissfully dreaming husband….Then, I sneer in the direction of my blissfully sleeping husband.
In this most modest of midnights, jealousy is the only thing holding me.
Ohh the blasted snore. To be the snorer. Or ignore the snorer…What a dream.
These impositional botherations abuse my weary mind. But in the midst of their intrusions I’m spun into a vortex of cautious anxieties and playful mesmerization.
My step dad fought in Vietnam. He was in the first nine air cavalry, flying apache helicopters in combat air assault. Pretty bad ass gig, right?* (Yes.) And, one night long after his return home, living a comfortable existence in his mid-sixties, he was awoken from peaceful sleep. — Gun shots? Bombs? He threw my mom on the floor!
(To protect her.)
(She was fine.)
A truck had backfired in the neighborhood and sounded to his subconscious mind like all-too-familiar warfare.
This was the story that crossed my mind in the wee morning hours of my own highjacked slumber.
My stepdad is pretty bad ass. He’s from New York after all.
Do you know what they do amazingly well in New York?
Reuben. Sandwiches.

Feeds 2; Takes 15 min + 3.5 hrs to cook the corned beef
Ingredients for Corned Beef Sandwiches with Russian Dressing & Quick ‘Kraut’
- 4lb corned beef, rinsed
- 8-10 cups water
- 2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp ground black pepper
- 2 tbsp coriander seeds
- 2 tbsp ground mustard
- 1/3 stick butter, cut in cubes + 2 tbsp butter for the bread
- 4 slices good rye bread
- 4 slices swiss cheese (I used alpine)
- 1/2 cup mayo
- 2 tbsp ketchup
- 2-3 dashes Worcestershire
- 2 tbsp bread and butter pickles, chopped
- 2 tbsp sweet pickle juice
- 1/3 small green cabbage, shredded – yields about 2/3 cup
- 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp white sugar
- Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 300F.
Place corned beef, fat side up in a 8×10 corning dish and cover with water about half the way up.
Pat the top of the beef dry with paper towels and season with garlic powder, black pepper, coriander seeds and mustard. Rub in liberally. I like to put a few dollops of butter on the top too.
Cover the dish tightly with foil and place in oven for 3-3.5 hrs, flipping the meat 2x in the process.
When done, it will shred with minimal effort. And smell divine.
While this is cooking you can make the Russian dressing. Not sure what makes it ‘Russian’. Don’t care either. But you know this sandwich cannot stand without it!
Combine the mayo, ketchup, pickles and juice, and Worcestershire and taste. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper if desired. Put this in the fridge.
Ok – make the quick pickled ‘kraut’. Combine the cabbage with white wine vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix well and allow to come together in the fridge until ready to assemble the sandwiches.
Ready? Ok.
Heat a stove top skillet to medium high. Once it’s hot, turn down to medium low.
Butter the outside of your rye bread.
Layer first with Russian dressing, then a few slices of corned beef, Swiss cheese and then with quick ‘kraut’. Top with the other buttered slice of rye.
Place in the hot pan and watch carefully. The idea is to get a golden crispy exterior and oozy, warm center. This takes about 5 min per side. It will be the longest five minutes of your life.
And then….

*Thank you to Louis, (that amazing bad ass) and all the other veterans, soldiers and front line heroes who help serve our country and protect our freedom, lives and liberties.
Can’t get enough sandwiches? Me neither. Try these: