A bomb dropped. The world stopped. A pragmatic, dynamic, dramatic, cataclysmic, galvanic paradigm shift.
I peed on a stick.
Everything seemed eerily quiet for 3 minutes – which, in case you’re wondering is more like 3 hours…(and a little messy)…
I’m a food blogger, right? My diet is cradled in nappy of sashimi and Mourvedre and Camembert!! What about my beloved burrata?! #mybestfriendburrata. All of which…I can’t have?? (See below for my rant).
What will I do!? I live for dangerous and tantalizing gustatory experimentation. I don’t know how to make baby food.
Who the hell is the diaper geenie?
‘Pack and play’ to me means loading up the wine backpack for a long, summers siesta in the park.
And…get this: I’m supposed to gain 30 pounds! That might sounds great to some people, but I’ve spent my entire adulthood running (on a device formerly used as a torture mechanism) to keep a moderately svelte exterior. And ok, I can eat my share of burritos, except that tops the aversion list right now. Mexican food and I are taking a little – hiatus. But I did have a craving for something pillowy and potato-ey and in the form of pizza.
Let’s go back a little ways…it was Easter weekend. We were lounging poolside on holiday. It was a pretty cool time to find out the surreal notion that I was gonna be a mom. I was stoked. When I began writing this post, Baby R measured about the size of a rosemary leaf. I love rosemary, at least that’s one thing I’ve found not to be too ‘taboo’ in pregnancy.
Anyway, It was 97 degrees, and my roasted epidermis was blistering and bubbling in a cocktail of vitamin d and the scorching, vibrant luminary I was so diffusely deprived of up north.
Speaking of cocktails…See ya in 9-12 months…Let’s make this pizza. And this baby.

Takes 30 min; Feeds 2 with enough for leftovers
Ingredients for Potato Pizza with Smoked Mozz, Truffle Oil & Rosemary
- Make my Beer Dough (or 2 of your fav pizza crusts)
- 3-4 Yukon Gold potatoes, sliced thinly (preferably on a mandolin)
- 2 tsp good Truffle oil (such as Truff)
- 2 cups full fat mozzarella, freshly shredded
- 1 1/2 cups smoked mozzarella, freshly shredded
- 2 sprigs fresh rosemary, minced + more for garnish
- 2 tbsp garlic oil* see note below (or you can use olive oil and add a minced clove of garlic)
- 6 chives, diced small (optional)
- Olive oil, Maldon sea salt
Preheat convection oven to 375F.
Place parchment paper on two sheet trays and rub on a bit of olive oil so the dough doesn’t stick.
Cut dough in half and roll each one out to make 2 pizzas. Divide the ingredients above in half and follow the steps below for each pizza:
- Drizzle on some garlic oil and sprinkle on some salt and rosemary
- Next is the smoked mozzarella
- Now line the potatoes in one layer and another sprinkle of salt
- Drizzle of truffle oil
- Full fat mozz time
- Bake both pizzas for 12-15 min until golden and bubbling
- Top with chives or rosemary
*Note about garlic oil…I make this and have it on my counter for use at all times:) Slice one large elephant garlic clove on a mandolin to make garlic chips. Fry the chips in 2 tbsp olive oil with a pinch of salt until golden (about 2 min). Add them to a cup of good olive oil and store in a closed container. The longer they sit, the more infused the oil will be. (I also like to chop up some of the chips and put them on the dough for extra garlic flavor).
Eat like you’re eating for two…or 1 and a little rosemary.

We are all different when it comes to bearing little ones, but here are some of the delicious cravings that have helped: (updated around 6 months into pregnancy)
- Harmless Harvest coconut water
- Portillos big beef sandwich. Eat one and take one to go.
- Honeycrisp apples
- Golden Kiwi Açaí Bowls
- Kielbasa (I know, it’s not the best thing, but it IS the best thing)
- Maple Syrup. On everything. Like my Double Butter Bourbon (sans bourbon) French Toast.
- Brisket imported straight to me by the masterful hands of jewish delis and bbq joints nationwide
- Purple sweet tarts
- Crunchy cheetos wrapped in havarti and dipped in strawberry jam
- Albanese gummy bears
- Hot biscuits with butter and honey
- Deep fried chicken wings
- Bowls of melted dark chocolate
Happy Human Creating:)
P.S. As I learned – here is a non-comprehensive list of foods that are ‘contraindicated’ when growing a tiny human (due to their increased likelihood of transmitting listeria, salmonella, toxoplasmosis and campylobacter to you while your immune system being moderately compromised):
Radishes, sprouts, undercooked eggs (runny yolks), sauces like hollandaise or caesar salad dressing that may contain raw eggs, paté, foie gras or liver (can have too much vitamin A), sushi or raw seafood/shellfish, undercooked meat, high mercury fish, unwashed fruits and veggies, cured meats (salami, copa, prosciutto — basically all the good stuff), processed deli meats, ice (if of unknown origin), energy drinks or excessive caffeine, mold ripened or soft cheeses (if they are imported/unpasteurized: cotija, triple creams, blues, feta, etc.) and our beloved ETOH.
It turns out, burrata in the States is pasteurized, so thankfully we can remain in cahoots! #mybestfriendburrata