Makes 2; Takes about 15 minutes
Ingredients and Method for Pineapple Ginger Hibiscus Mocktail
- 3 oz freshly juiced pineapple, strained
- 4 oz freshly juiced beets + a thumb size nub of ginger, strained
- 1 oz dried hibiscus flowers + a few crushed for garnish
- 2 cups boiling water
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp agave or honey
Pour boiling water over hibiscus flowers and allow to steep 5-6 minutes.
While that steeps, pour sugar and dried, crushed hibiscus flowers on a plate and mix. Brush a small portion of the outside of both glasses with agave or honey and sprinkle over your hibiscus sugar. It should stick nicely.
Strain the flowers from the warm tea and reserve a few for garnish.
Load up both glasses with ice.
Pour 1 1/2 oz pineapple juice in each glass followed by 2 oz beet/ginger juice.
Once cooled, add 2 oz hibiscus tea per glass and a squeeze of lemon. Stir and garnish with lemon slices and rehydrated hibiscus flowers. Opa!

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