An Adulterous Hoagie

An Adulterous Hoagie

Hello old friend. It’s been too long. You look good. I’ve gotten sidetracked. Dedicated to extensive assignment, with hopes and a bursting appetite to come back rapidly to you. And I’ll tell you one thing.…

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An Adulterous Hoagie

Hello old friend. It’s been too long. You look good. I’ve gotten sidetracked. Dedicated to extensive assignment, with hopes and a bursting appetite to come back rapidly to you. And I’ll tell you one thing.…

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Panhandle Potatoes, Ham & Goat Gouda

Panhandle Potatoes, Ham & Goat Gouda

Today my office sits about 150 miles northeast of Spokane.  Nestled deep in the vibrant republic of Idaho’s Panhandle National Forest – far removed from humans and hospitals (and viruses)…just me and the Cuban and…

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Panhandle Potatoes, Ham & Goat Gouda
Chicken Poblano Tortilla Soup

Chicken Poblano Tortilla Soup

I walk into an empty room. Only a deliriously infatuated couple seated at the end of the bar. And me. I’ve been deserted. Left to my own devices, I suppose. Arid, amidst those I once…

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Chicken Poblano Tortilla Soup
Pomegranate and Raspberry Bread Puddin’

Pomegranate and Raspberry Bread Puddin’

Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia – lived in all of them.  And I’ve bumbled around the south for long enough that I consider myself “well versed” in the hoedown of true southern style cookin’.  I can…

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Pomegranate and Raspberry Bread Puddin’

Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia – lived in all of them.  And I’ve bumbled around the south for long enough that I consider myself “well versed” in the hoedown of true southern style cookin’.  I can…

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Cheddar & Scallion Heartthrob Biscuits

Cheddar & Scallion Heartthrob Biscuits

Do you wanna know the quickest way to a mans heart? A left sided resuscitative thoracotomy, directly adjacent to the sternum, applying manual pressure on the pericardium in efforts to control massive traumatic hemorrhage. Oh……

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Cheddar & Scallion Heartthrob Biscuits
Cold Moon Hot Chocolate

Cold Moon Hot Chocolate

The moon is hollow and full and cold. It’s pitch black, but bright. The breeze is biting. The incessant snow dances out an ivory song, gracefully falling to its final resting place. The tree is…

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Cold Moon Hot Chocolate

