Lex’s Brown Butter Chex

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Go into your cupboard. Remove the butter dish. Place your hand around the yellow stick of fat. Squeeze. You feel better don’t you?

You don’t have to thank me, I got you.

There are few things in this life that can bring the same joy that comes from squeezing a stick (or two) of room temperature butter. It’s a little known secret, but now it is within you. Use this power to do good in the world.

  • When someone cuts you off in traffic?
  • When they get your coffee order wrong…again?

Don’t get mad!! Get butter! And Squeeze. You will be so glad you did.

But I’m not offering you only one solution to stop that pulsating, supratrochlear artery from bursting out of your forehead. Today Only! Two for the price of one! What else can make annoyance, utter disregard for human decency and accusatory accountability disappear?? Chex mix. And beer. Obv.

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Takes 1 hr; Feeds you and a handful of unabashed butter loving friends

Ingredients for Butter Basted Chex

  • 4 cups rice chex
  • 3 cups corn chex
  • 1 cup wheat chex (this is up to your preference, but we all know the wheat chex aren’t as good as the other chexs)
  • 1/2 cup hazelnuts, brazil nuts, almonds or whatever nut you like
  • 1 cup gold fish or cheez-its
  • 1/2 cup pretzels, crunched into bite size pieces (my favs are the extra salt lovers ‘splits’ brand)
  • 1 stick salted butter (you knew it was gonna be in here right?)
  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tbsp granulated garlic
  • 1 tbsp celery salt
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 4-5 shakes Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt, pep, avocado oil


Melt butter until brown in a large skillet along with paprika, celery salt, cayenne and pepper (to taste).

Add Worcestershire.

Toss in all the chex, pretzels, crackers & nuts and coat with seasoned butter sauce. Add garlic powder and extra salt if needed.

Cook on the stove top, just until the edges start to caramelize.

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and heat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pour chex onto sheet in an even layer. Bake for 45 minutes stirring every 15 min or so. Voila!


  • This would be great with a sweet twist! Try with honey chex! Or drizzle warm chex with agave or your own honey.
  • Toss in chocolate chips at the end..may be weird with garlic though..
  • Try a variety of nuts – pistachios, cashews, etc.
  • Or skip the mix all together and drink pumpkin beer by the fireside;) Better yet, have both!
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Chex are so versatile. This is a popular snack at my house during the chilly weather months, and are a particular fav at holiday gatherings. Need more festive, snack-y ideas?


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