Jacked Up Caprese

A friend of mine recently posed the question, “Is this too Italian?” (Referring to a photo of her fathers trench coat, fedora, and stickly stash.) 

But is there anything REALLY that is too Italian?  That’s like asking “is this too good of a vacation?” or “is this wine too delicious?”  I rest my case. 

Italians are everywhere and with them they bring their zest for life, adorable grandmothers, and gustatory smorgasbord; including the quintessential Caprese Salad.

Here is a quick and dirty version (you will find many here), that ups-the-ante every time.

Feeds 4; Takes 10 min
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Ingredients for Caprese:

  • 4 giant yellow, green, red, black, — any color heirloom tomatoes, cut in large chunks
  • 3 heirloom radishes, sliced thinly on a mandolin
  • 1/2 shallot, sliced thinly on a mandolin
  • 3-4 large, fresh burrata balls
  • 4-5 sprigs fresh basil, torn
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • Maldon sea salt, ground black pepper, good EVOO (I used California olive oil here)
  • 1 tbsp sweet Amarena cherry juice (optional)


Gently alternate your varying tomato slices by color on a large platter.

Nestle in shallot, radishes and zest, torn burrata balls and basil.

Drizzle everything with lemon juice, EVOO,s alt/pepper & the cherry juice, if using.

If you want to try this version with caraway croutons and avocado – it’s easier than putting on pants. Here’s what you do:

Cut up a few slices of seeded rye bread into bite sizes. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and sauté over medium heat for 4-5 min, until golden. Top your tomato treasures with these and avocado slices.

Maybe you want a salad that’s a bit heartier? Try my Panzanella with Bacon and Croutons. Perhaps your in more of a Chinese Crunch Salad mood? What about this gorgeous Grilled Strawberry Steak Salad with Burrata? Feel patriotic with my Baked Red, White and Black Garlic Salad! We got lots to choose from.


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