Grilled Strawberry Steak Salad with Burrata

I am not a rock.  

A term of endearment, embodying and personifying a human foundation; one who will not waver in the unidealistic vein of disparity.  

A stronghold, an undisputed cornerstone; a solid, perpetual amalgamation of light, strength and impossible possibility. 

All beautiful and necessary.

But me?  I am not a rock. 

Stagnant, abrasively cold and stubborn.  Unable to drift.  Unable to change.  Unable. 

Planted, rooted.  I am not a tree.

Blossoming, jetting toward the heavens; rebirthing, anew, intrinsically effortless, a myriad of evolution…evolving but still, still.

I am not still. 

Stillness seeps out, running, racing, third spacing, into space. Movement invades, pervades, and then evades. 

Subtle or clonic. Elemental or nonessential. A simple jaunt, a wander, a glimpse, glimmer, jolt, prop or gesture…interfering.

Interference; changes, contaminates, cohesively reinforces, heals, accentuates, inebriates, potentiates choices. 

A choice?

Head down, press onward. Don’t speak. Speak easy. Shifty eyes scan the room as molten lips swipe secret sips from the forbidden cup.  

A symmetrical shadow.  Asymmetrical pose.  

Don’t move. Don’t. You. Dare.  

Be still and silent and stuck.  

Head up, press onward.  A veil is lifted and now I can see. 

And me?  I am not a rock.

Versatility and visability is perplexing. Like salad.

Feeds 4-5; Takes 35 min

Ingredients for Grilled Strawberry Steak Salad

  • 4 filets cut approximately the same (2x2x2)
  • 12-14 fresh strawberries
  • 1 day old demi baguette, cubed
  • 1 avocado
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp ground garlic
  • 2 tsp onion flakes
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp fresh thyme, minced
  • 1 sprig fresh tarragon, minced
  • 3 large burrata balls
  • 1 large head red leaf lettuce, chopped
  • 1 head kale chopped
  • Salt, olive oil, avocado oil, Maldon sea salt

Method for Salad and Herby Croutons

In a big bowl, toss the cubed baguette cubes liberally with good olive oil and salt.

Heat a frying pan to medium high heat.

Add to the croutons the garlic, onion flakes, black pepper, thyme and tarragon and toss again. Cook in the frying pan with additional oil if needed until golden on all sides ~ 6-8min. Set aside.

Light your grill high heat.

Season the filets with olive oil and lots of salt on all sides. Set aside at room temp while you gather the rest.

Skewer the strawberries and drizzle with avocado oil.

Mix the avocado in a food processor with a bit of avocado oil, salt, pepper and lime juice and refrigerate.

Turn the grill down to medium heat and grill the filets about 2 min per side for medium rare/medium. At the same time lay the strawberry skewers on the grill. Turn once they start to char ~ 30 seconds. These will cook quickly, so have a plate handy to remove.

Once the filets are done, remove and cover with foil for 10 min.

Assemble your salad with kale leaves, croutons, leaf lettuce, burrata and grilled strawberries. Slice and add the steak and drizzle with avocado dressing. Top with a little bit of good olive oil and flaked sea salt.

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