While I can appreciate the existence of the Campbell Soup Company, I must say that my kitchen dare not take part in the gelatinous bounty that is cream of ‘name your malignancy’ soup.
And I get it…They are convenient, cheap, sturdy in the shelf life department (mildly terrifying), and deliciously overloaded with sodium so as to induce an acute hypertensive crisis after a mere serving…so for Thanksgiving, I’m not making Aunt Cathy’s green bean casserole*.
That does not mean, however, that my GBC is an imposter. Maybe it’s not the ‘original’ but it might be better, and a heck of a lot healthier…Shall we see?

Feeds 6; Takes 45 min
- 1 large package green beans, fibrous ends chopped off
- 2 cans mushrooms in juice
- 2 tbsp salted butter
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 shallot, small dice
- 2 tbsp flour or corn starch
- 1 cup half and half
- 2 cups Chicken Stock (preferable homemade – here’s mine)
- 2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1/2 tsp ground fresh nutmeg
- 1 cup panko bread crumbs (or fried onions if you prefer)
- Salt to taste, olive oil
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Drop in green beans and cook for 2-3 minutes.
Remove beans and plunge into an ice/water bath. This blanching technique keeps the beans nice and green.
Remove and drain beans and allow to cool.
Meanwhile heat a medium sized sauce pot over medium heat. Cook shallots in a good glug of olive oil for about 5 min. Add garlic and stir.
In the same pot, whisk butter and flour (or corn starch) together. Slowly add half and half, mixing constantly.
Season with pepper, salt and nutmeg. Add the rest of the chicken stock and raise the heat a bit. Make sure to continue to stir, not allowing this to burn. Once there are small bubbles around the edges, turn the heat down.
The roux should be the consistency of well, a creamed soup. Add the mushrooms in their juices. Allow to cook for another 5ish minutes over medium low heat.
In a greased casserole dish combine beans and mushroom mixture.
Top with breadcrumbs and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 25-30 min, until golden brown.

So you see…fresh, crunchy beans ladled with creamy, garlicky undertones can swim along merrily through your arteries without the dreaded plaque build up that the holidays notably embrace.
And no offense, Aunt Cath, but it’s the recipe we put on the Thanksgiving table at my house.
*Disclaimer – I do not have an Aunt Cathy. My aunt’s are Julie, Linda, Ellie, and Lazara. Also, proudly, none of them make casseroles from the back of soup cans.