I was at the gym yesterday, on my usual torture device of choice when I started pondering…Why are there so many people here? I mean, why are they not running outside, it’s a beautiful day. Why do they all conglamorate here in this old, sweaty building? I know, I know. I was there too. But I have reasons. I have a toddler. She is not tolerant of me pounding on my nordic track and I do not trust her to be alone in the living room watching blippi re-runs. Also, my jogging stroller broke, so, you see…
But what about them? I got to thinking…what are their reasons? My assessment is as follows:
- Bald-i-locks on the stair stepper…I bet he’s here to spend some quality alone time without the cantankerous morning bellows of a snarky wife with a Karen cut (who does not work out and would dread the idea of such a place.)
- Volume lashes and full makeup with ball cap, and very evidently wearing her teenage daughters crop top…She likes to be accountable.
- The mayor…This is the lass that is there all day, everyday. She talks to everyone, always with a very concerned look on her leathered face usually while walking backwards on the treadmill. Pastoral in a way. She is there anytime you go. Always. She lives in the basement.
- Mark, the very polite man who makes excuses to ask you about your pocket pants. Or hair dresser. Or earbuds. He needs a match profile.
- Wife beater (stark white tank top) and hiking socks…His neighbors house was raided by the US Marshals for harboring a felon. He doesn’t feel safe.
What do you think of my gym friends? I’m sure I nailed it.
In the midst of my reverie, conjuring up this conditioning quagmire, I notice a great deal of time has gone by. And the miles too. I’m getting hungry. What do you feel like? Running fuel for tomorrow? Good idea.

Feeds 4; Takes about an 1hr 20 min
Ingredients for Double Poblano Enchilada Sauce
- 2 poblano peppers, halved
- 2 limes, halved
- 1 large white onion, halved
- 1 head of garlic, top cut off
- 1 green bell pepper, halved
- 1 yellow bell pepper, halved
- 2 parsnips, peeled, cut in thirds
- 1/2 cup full fat Greek yogurt
- Salt, olive oil
Method for Sauce
Pre heat oven to 425F and line a sheet tray with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, mix together all the peppers, parsnips, onion, garlic head, and 1 lime with a good glug of olive oil, coating everything. Lay out in 1 layer on the sheet tray and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for 25-30 min until all the veggies are bronzed and delicious, make sure to flip these occasionally. Now is the time to start on the enchiladas (see below).
When veggies are done roasting, let cool and then remove most of the seeds and stems.
Put peppers, parsnips and onion in a blender. Squeeze about 6 cloves of roasted garlic in as well. Juice the roasted lime in along with the juice of the fresh lime.
Blend until smooth. Add yogurt and blend again.
Taste and add salt. Set aside.

Ingredients for Double Poblano Enchiladas
- 1 lb fresh ground beef (85/15)
- 1 poblano pepper, seeded and diced
- 1/2 small red onion, diced (reserving a few for garnish)
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 lb mushrooms (I used meaty trumpets and shiitakes), roughly chopped
- 1/2 cup dry white wine (such as the one you’re sipping on now, pino gris) or chicken stock
- 2 tbsp salted butter
- Juice of 1 lime
- 2 tsp dried Mexican oregano
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 2 tsp sweet paprika
- 1 dash cinnamon
- 2 tsp cumin
- 1 tbsp chili powder
- 4 large flour tortillas
- 1 cup shredded colby or jack cheese
- Parsley or cilantro for garnish (optional)
- Salt, pepper, olive oil
Method for putting the Double Poblano Enchiladas all together
Pre heat oven to 375F.
In a large frying pan add 2 tbsp olive oil and onion with a bit of salt. Let them sweat for about 5 min.
Add minced fresh garlic, poblano and mushrooms. Stirring often, add wine or stock and the butter. Cook until the mushrooms are soft and delicious ~ 5 min.
Move all the ingredients to the edge of the pan to form a spot to drop your beef in. Add beef and all the dry spices and oregano along with a good amount of salt and pepper.
Allow the beef to brown, not mixing it for a few minutes to ensure caramelization. Then mix everything together until beef is just cooked ~ 5-6 min.
Drizzle on lime juice. Taste and adjust seasoning.
Line your large cast iron skillet bottom with a good amount of poblano sauce.
Fill each tortilla with equal portions of meat mixture and top with some cheese and a little more sauce.
Roll and place seam side down in cast iron.
Layer the top with more sauce and bake uncovered for 20-25 min until bubbly and golden. Top with a bit of raw red onion and parsley or cilantro.

Now you are ready to hit the gym (or pavement) (or whatever) tomorrow.
More running fuel? How about…