I’ll never forget the story in her words. It went like this:
“I was dog sitting my parents friends’ pup, Pickles while they vacationed in Mexico. Off grid, out of touch. I worked in the city (Chicago), where their high rise apartment is. Each morning I hopped on the L at the Addison stop and headed in. On my way to work I would stop by, let the pup out, play, feed, etc. then head to work and do the same on my way home for the day.
One evening, after work I stopped by the apartment to find the poor dog, lifeless. I panicked! What happened? Oh my God. After an hour of sobbing I tried to regroup. How will I ever tell the owners? I tried calling them, but got no one. I couldn’t even reach my folks. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t just leave him there!
Quickly, I put the little guy in a duffle bag I found stashed in the closet. At least I could take it with me and figure out logistics later.
I jumped on the train and sat alone, outwardly quiet, inwardly freaking the ffffff out.
After a stop or two a handsome guy got on and sat near me. “Crap. Please don’t talk to me.” I prayed.
He struck up conversation and I didn’t want to seem weird, so I engaged him. He was actually really funny. And cute.
We talked for a little while and he casually asked me what was in the bag. I looked up, locked up. “Ummmm…it’s electronics for work.” I lied. It seemed like he bought it. We moved the conversation onward.
He asked which stop I was headed to. I replied, “Addison.”
“No kidding! Me too.” He said. “Sh****t!!” I thought, just my luck…
He said, “Hey maybe I could walk you to your car and get your number.” I obliged. I liked him. I would totally go out with him.
We talked until we got to the stop and we walked out together, with my hefty package in hand. I parked down the street in a quiet alley.
Just as we got to my car I took out a piece of paper to write down my number — and that’s all I remember. Next thing I new I woke up to strangers hovering over me…with a broken, bloody nose and slight concussion.
He had punched me in the face, stole my bag and ran away.
I was flabbergasted! I was in pain. But mostly I was so so sad. Can you imagine his surprise when he opens it? …Jokes on him, I guess.”
Years later I remember her story with impeccable precision. Can you even imagine? I can’t. But I can imagine this…This one’s in honor of little Pickles…

Feeds 4-6; Takes 45 min (minus dough making time)
Ingredients and Method for Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
- 1/2 cup buttermilk
- 1/3 cup mayo
- 1/2 cup full fat sour cream
- 1 tbsp fresh dill, minced
- 1 tbsp fresh parsley, minced
- 1/2 tbsp fresh tarragon, minced
- 1 tbsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp white wine vinegar
- Juice of half lemon (optional)
- Salt and pepper to taste
Whisk together all ingredients and taste. Adjust salt and pepper to your liking. Cover and refrigerate while we prep the rest.

Ingredients for Dill Pickle Pizza with Crispy Pepperoni
- 1 large pizza dough – here is my recipe* (see note below), or your favorite store bought, however it might not give you a super thick Detroit style crust
- 8 oz good pepperoni, cut into teeny tiny pieces, fried and drained ~ 4-5 min in a hot sauté pan and then placed on paper towel (if using pork/beef you should not even need to add oil)
- 8 oz crème fraîche
- 2 tbsp homemade buttermilk ranch (see above)
- 2 large, fresh dill pickles cut into thin rounds
- 1 1/2 logs (about 14 oz) low moisture, full fat mozzarella cheese (or block cheese if you can find it) cut into small cubes
- 2 tbsp herb oil (optional – see recipe below)
- 1 tbsp ground garlic
- Maldon sea salt
- Salt, pepper, dill and parsley to garnish
*NOTE on making the dough: After you’ve made it (and you wont regret it) let it rest for 3-4 hours. Alternatively you can use hot water instead of beer.
Ok here we go. In a high lipped black or steel pan (9×13 inches-ish), grease heavily with olive oil. Press the dough into the pan – it should take up about half the size. Cover and let this rise another hour. I know. Takes patience, Iago. If you have store bought dough you can skip this step.
Preheat oven to 450F convection.
After that hour spread the dough out to fit the rest of the pan. Press it down firmly to fit corners.
Mix the 2 tbsp ranch, crème fraîche and ground garlic together and spread all over dough. Crumble over a little bit of crunchy Maldon.
Stuff the corners and the sides with a lot of the cheese cubes and top the pizza with them too.
Spread your pickles around cheese and bake for 12-14 min, turning 1 or two times for proper browning.
Remove and top with crispy pepperoni, more ranch dressing, herb oil and garnishes.

Ingredients and Method for Herb Oil:
- 1 cup good quality canola or mild olive oil
- 2 cups fresh basil leaves
- 1 cup parsley leaves
- 4 scallions, just the green parts
- 2 cloves roasted garlic (optional)
- 1 tsp salt
Place all herbs and in a small food processor. Turn on and slowly begin adding the oil. Blend until this is as smooth as it can be. Add salt, blend and taste again.
Let this mixture sit for 10 min then strain through a fine mesh sieve. Store your delectable oil at room temp for up to 2 weeks and use on everythingggggg.

If you eat pizza as much as us your gonna need some more recipes, so…: