Crispy Jambon-Beurre with Gooey Brie/Le Panier

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The last stop I make when I’m staying near Pike Place Market is notoriously, Le Panier. To be honest, I make the trip to this fairytale Frenchland pâtisserie multiple times in my short lived journeys to Seattle – BUT I always stop there last too. Why? Great question!

Here’s the long and short of it: The pride and the pickle: The skin of the goose:

They make tremendous sandwiches. Like – out of this world sandwiches.

The quality of ingredients is beyond compare, except for say, if one were in France…So you catch my overdramatic drift?

As I mentioned, this is a pâtisserie. They are known for their oozing amandine croissants (get them with or without chocolate), flaky, sugar ladened palmiers, and decadent macarons.

The crème de la crème…ya know what I mean? In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever not been rendered speechless from a single item I’ve eaten there. (Double entendre), so French of me. Oh never mind, that’s a faux pas, it was just a double negative. I’m American, what can I say?

Which brings me to the main attraction (in this bakery as well as in life) – Sandwiches. The reason I stop there first thing in the morning of my departure is two fold. I must buy these marvelous sandwiches because they make the ultimate road food. The problem is I have two favorites.

A. The jambon-beurre (ham and butter) and

B. The classic Brie.

Not only are they GIANT, but they are indescribably (within their own distinct personalities) so frickin’ delicious, it would be no bueno to only get one or the other.

So there I stand, coffee in hand, 6 sandwiches for the road (2 for me, 2 for the Cube and 2 for later) trip home.

And then it sinks in. I get home. My gustatory anthem has been sung. The sandwiches have all been eaten. I’m left alone. Just me and the blog dogs and a crusty, earthen baguette, begging to make its way into my gluten filled womb.

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You can’t choose either? I have an idea – let’s have a ménage à trois..Follow my lead.

Ingredients for Crispy Jambon-Beurre with Gooey Brie

  • 12 slices prosciutto*, cooked in a dry frying pan until crisp
  • 9 slices brie (or camembert cheese), room temp
  • 1/3 stick salted French butter, at room temp (you can sometimes get it at Trader Joes)
  • French baguette, toasted lightly in oven**, cut into 4 sandwiches
  • 1/2 cup arugula
  • Maldon sea salt
  • Dijon mustard (optional)


Toast the baguette, (if desired) for about 5 minutes in the oven.

Spread some butter on the bottom portion of the bread, and mustard, if using. Layer the Brie on the other side.

Top with crispy prosciutto slices and arugula.


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*Technically, the jambon part of a jambon-beurre sandwich is a slow roasted, moisture rich deli ham – which (sandwich) is incredible. I just used crispy prosciutto for flare. You could use your favorite ham, speck, fried pancetta, heck, even bacon would be great.

**This sammy is classically enjoyed cold, but toast to your hearts content.

Bon appetite. Mercy beaucoup. Au Revoir.

I hear you craving more sandwiches – no worries – check these out:


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