Cold Moon Hot Chocolate

The moon is hollow and full and cold. It’s pitch black, but bright. The breeze is biting. The incessant snow dances out an ivory song, gracefully falling to its final resting place. The tree is lit, the fire too.

And I wait.

Impatiently pace. Throw my head back in candid restlessness. A quandary, a gaze, turns to a strabismical stare. An invisible man poses nimble finger flips to my temporal lobe. To my own surprise, I barely mind.

Tumultuous tummy. Episodic fits of nausea followed by estrogenic surges that could sink the Titanic. A stagnant indignation looms. Dry swallow followed by cemented salivation. Where is my salvation?

I get lost in the feverish flicker of the Christmas tree lights. I can’t ease my trembling leg. A nervous twitch. An irritating cough. A cantankerous clamor melodically contaminates my uneasy condition. Sighs and hos and hums drum the day long requiem. Eager envelops. I can’t eat. It’s pitch black, but so bright.

Still, sustenance summons. Growing weary, my hollow and empty and cold body beckons – some thing.

I drop a dollop of vanilla doesn’t hit the ground. My ever expanding belly bump plays the catcher in this game. The blog dogs are not impressed.

We wait.

Inside. By the fire. With hot, hot chocolate, brimming with impatience.

Enough for 3 cups; Takes 10 min

Ingredients For Hot Chocolate

  • 2 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 6 tbsp white cane sugar
  • 2 heaping tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • Pinch of salt
  • Splash of vanilla
  • 2 glugs heavy whipping cream

Ingredients and Method for Vanilla Whipped Cream

  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • Splash vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp white cane sugar

In a KitchenAid mixer with whisk attachment add cream and vanilla. Whisk on medium high for 1 minute. Add sugar and continue until peaks form ~ 1-2 min.


In a medium sauce pot combine milk, cream, cocoa powder, sugar salt and vanilla. Whisk this continuously and do not let this mixture boil.

As mixture heats gradually and comes to a simmer, add the chocolate chips, continuing to whisk. This should take about 7-8 minutes total.

Serve immediately with whipped cream and sprinkle of cocoa powder.

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