At my core I’m modern rustic.
Overly dramatic, comical, not practical.
Pissy and misty. Don’t cry much, except right now. Raining, doused, drowning. Alive. Happy.
Bubbly but sarcastic, but bubblier when drinking bubbles.
Dreamy eyed reverie, see the world through rose colored glasses. Optimistic and love the optometrist and the doctor even more. Starry eyed gaze often times glazed. Ham and donuts.
Suitor of light, can light up a room, but is more suited for outside. Always on your side, unless blind sided.
Blind to the politics, Seen the disease. Death. Dead. Your patient has died. Sick of pompous and pretentious and anxious – a nauseating nausea of nauseousness.
Never mind, mindful. Full mind. Full heart, full belly, fulfilled. Filament. Diligent. Fortitude. For you. 74.
Grateful, thankful, cynical, skeptical.
Mom says “you march to beat of your own kazoo”. I HATE the zoo.
Loving, giving, honest, but hurt, cut, burnt. Forgiving. Not forgetful. Forgoer of underwear.
Where? Here. And there. Steady, fast, stead fast and free spirited. Spiritual.
Who am I? Who are you at your foundation? Cindy Lou is Who. So blonde. Brown bobby pins. Golden eyed baby girl. Short tempered, long legs. Bull headed, not cerebral. Old soul, soulful, songful. Thoughtful, trustful, full…Bubbling over.
Overzealous, callous, ironic, hypocritical. Overly critical, ironically tolerant.
Boisterous, mom to boys with paws. Running, jumping, falling. Falling in love.
Not failing. Failed.
I miss Vail. Nailed it. Severed nails. Shattered hearts. Broken bones.
Boney, skinny, thinning. Muffin top. Muffins. Fat. Obese. Am I Backwards? Fatback. Whole hog. Bed hog. Hog heaven. Going to heaven? Promised land, paradise, elysium.
Beer. Bubbly beer. I love beer. Sober, so-beer. Bagels and shmear. German, Cuban and Greek. Strong today. Tomorrow, weak.
Sloppy, naggy, whiny. Wine. Will work for wine. Anytime for wine.
Timely, punctual, sometimes slow. Delayed. Flying away. Flighty, frocklicky, friendly, festive, famished. Ravenous. Hungry, omnivorous. Ambitious. Fishes, delicious fishes. Biting. Snacky, munchy, sippy, slurpy. Simmering. Singing. Swimming down the alimentary canal, sprinting words through enervated fingertips.
Tipsy, big tipper. Poetic. Romantic. Pathetic. Empathetic. Epic.
Hoping, hasty, wishing, wondering?
Brimming, beaming. Sun beams and big brims, beaches and arctic. December. Brrr. Buzzing, tangential. Tagliatelle.
I’m Bubbling over.
This is me. At my Foundation. So the recipe that follows is a cornerstone recipe for homemade chicken stock. It too, is the very foundation of some of my most delicious recipes.

Ingredients for Stock
- 1 5-6lb whole chicken
- 1 yellow or sweet onion, skin on, quartered
- 1/2 red onion, halved
- 2-3 carrots or parsnips, washed, cut in large chunks
- 3-4 celery sticks, cut in large chunks
- 1 head garlic, halved horizontally
- 3 large sprigs rosemary
- 6 largs sprigs thyme
- 2 tbsp black peppercorns
- 1 sprig fresh sage
- 1 large bunch Italian parsley
- 5-6 sprigs tarragon
- 1 small jalapeño, halved (optional)
- 4 tbsp kosher salt
- 12 cups H20 + more
Put bird and all other ingredients in large pot or Dutch oven. Pour in as much water as you need to nearly cover ingredients.
Bring to a boil and the reduce heat to simmer for 3-4 hours uncovered. Make sure to taste the broth after a few hours to adjust seasoning (I usually need to remove the spicy jalapeño and add more salt).
Also be sure to add a bit more water if too much is evaporating.
After 3-4 hours, strain the delicious liquid from all the ingredients and store in the fridge (or freeze) if not using right away.
If you used a whole bird, allow to cool and shred for later use (like Yiayia’s Avgolemono – Greek Chicken & Rice Soup). Or my Chicken Poblano Tortilla Soup.

Who are you at your Foundation? Slurp it in. Speed it up. Slowly. Don’t let the stock bubble over.