I just learned some thing inconceivable. Incomprehensible. In direct correlation against everything that I stand for.
My dad’s wife or my ‘bonus mom’ (as she lovingly refers to herself) does not like …wait for it… gravy.
Have you ever heard such silliness? Balderdash!
Gravy, by definition, is one of God’s greatest creations.
Poured over a glistening holiday bird. Swimming in a slurrpy puddle of potatoes and butter. Dipped in, on, dunked, or simply careening down the chins of happy eaters everywhere.
It’s gravy, by George! Fowl drippings mixed in a salty bath of fat and thickened with flour. What, and I mean WHAT could be unlikeable??
Other inconceivabilities:
- My sister in law “doesn’t like” french toast. See this post about how I’m also converting this nonsense.
- My sister refuses to eat Grilled Cheese. (Possibly the most perfect of foods??)
- My brother ‘claims’ he’s allergic to avocados. I think he’s doing it for attention. (What’s that? You do like avocados – me too! Try this incredible Pozole!
- My mom says she doesn’t like Sub Sandwiches. Or Soup. Or Pasta. Baloney! (or baloney, naturally)
This madness has to stop.
I’m honestly getting goose bumps thinking about it. Oooo..goose gravy! That sounds like a new trend!
A conversion must take place. Will I be able to convert this psychopath into guzzling down puddles of heavenly juice? I’m gonna try — With this Convert Gravy.

Feeds 4 non-lunatics; Takes 2 hours ~ ish
- 3 fresh, boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into large cubes
- 6-8 large cremini mushrooms, cut into 6ths’ or quartered
- 2 small containers shiitake mushrooms, roughly chopped (or chanterelles)
- 1 rosemary sprig
- 3-5 thyme sprigs
- 1 tsp paprika
- 2 tsp garlic powder or 2 cloves freshly minced
- 1/8 tsp nutmeg, freshly ground
- 4 tbsp canola oil
- 4 tbsp salted butter – divided
- 2 tbsp flour
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1 1/2 cup Chicken Stock
- 1/2 cup full bodied red wine (like cab or petite sirah)
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
- Salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 225 degrees F.
Heat canola oil in a large lipped pan until it gets hot. Season chicken cubes with salt and pepper and sauté in oil until browned on one side (about 2 min). Flip. Brown on other side.
Remove chicken from pan. Drain chicken juices and oil into a separate bowl – keep this for later. Do not drink this. Yet.
Add 2 tbsp butter to hot chicken pan and add mushrooms. Allow these to brown, stirring often oven medium heat. Salt.
In a separate pot make your roux. Add 2 tbsp butter and flour and whisk over med heat. Once combined, add chicken stock and milk stirring continuously. Turn the heat up, but watch this mixture carefully. You want this sauce to thicken, but not scald.
Once you see bubbles around the edges, whisk in salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne, garlic and paprika. Turn the heat to low. Pour in that bowl of reserved chicken juices.
Taste your convert gravy! This should be decadent, thick and salty. It should coat your esophagus like pepto bismol (but in a much more delicious way).
Check back in on the mushrooms. If they look golden and delicious it’s time to add the wine. Allow the wine to completely cook off ~ 5 min. Taste and add more salt if you need too.
Once the wine has evaporated, add the chicken chunks back in.
Pour the gravy over the chicken and shrooms and throw in the rosemary and thyme sprigs.
Place pan in oven for 2 hrs, stirring at the 1 hr mark.
Serve over mashed potatoes, rice, even a sandal would be divine.

Will I succeed in this most epicurean quest to conquer her culinary quagmire? Check back for updates.
Meanwhile, let’s make more saucy delights, shall we?