Welcome to Open Plate Anthropology. This is my candid manifest of all things savored and ventured upon.
I’m Alexa, creator of this site based on a serious disease progression –
My unrelenting obsession with food and travel…It’s lust actually.
Anthropology by definition is “the study of humans and their cultures”…
My strict beliefs in non-moderation, compel me to pursue an ultimate goal; to become an omnipotent omnivore; cultivating, tasting and experiencing global food phenomena.
In this science nonfiction, internet theatre I will share my delights, reviews, fails and wildly popular overshares, highlighted in a wave of sarcasm and sometimes unsolicited humor. As an emergency room nurse by trade, I tend to leave little mediation on the table. What else do I not leave on the table? Anything delicious. There will be nothing mediocre discussed (or consumed) here.
Moreover, my Open Plate will not contradict yours.
I will not teach you to be vegan or follow a ketogenic diet plan or avoid milk or unpasteurized products at all costs. Cheese, after all, is my best friend (and name of my first dog). #Mybestfriendburrata
I (try to) embrace all foods, and I can attest that there is even a place and time for some of those pre-conjured, chemically significant forms of “cheese” that have no actual dairy base in them.
Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t preach the almighty GMO’s and polydiunsachharide nonsense….No that’s not a real word. Yes, I make words up. Not unlike Shakespeare or Hemmingway… Yea, I did that.
Mostly, what you will find here is wholesome, delicious and relatively healthy food, bolstered by a passion for seeking, living and savoring that given moment.
You will find that my writing style is consistently inconsistent.
Most of my stories are based in a perplexing cerebral rhetoric or uneven fabrication inspired by life swirling all around us. Sometimes I drift off the culinary (or literary) coast, creating silly anecdotal chronicles in an aberrant reverie. I’ll try to real it in, but just so you know..
Make today delicious.

Ok..if you must know..
Mental hemorrhoids? I’ve got ’em.
My motto is – more heart, less attack.
And – Stop and smell the pino grigio.
I hate underwear lines. But I love mottos. And I love alliteration. This is, after all, Alexa’s lexicon.
Which brings me to the kitchen..

I also love to entertain. Food has become streamlined as a passion and a sanctuary for me, from a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality to a space where I can create, satiate and screw up without consequence.
My hope is to inspire you to do the same.
My favorite critics are my biggest fans they go by the names of my handsome Cuban hubby (not pictured or named due to extreme disregard for social media), and our newest little eater, Reverie. Also along for the ride are Humberto (the latin lover – shih tzu mix), and Glob the blog dog.

I answer to many names; Alexa, Lex, T-Lex, The O or more formally, the Pacific North Wino. But, generally speaking I’ll answer to anyone holding anything red with legs.
Do not be fooled! I do not discriminate…white, rosé or even orange will do just fine. Also, if you don’t have legs, that would be fine too.

I have an affinity for poutine. Everyone should.
I detest chicken salad. And rude people. Everyone should.
If you’d like to read about my Opa (german for grandfather) and part of the inspiration for this Blog check out this post (coming soon).
While you’re here, check out some of my favorite recipes to get you started on the blog.
- Lemon Butter Lobster Rolls
- Christmas Risotto
- Corned Beef Migas with Gochujang and Goat Cheese
- Tom Selleck Pizza (Detroit style Pie with Pepperoni, Jalapeños & Honey)
- Grilled Strawberry Steak Salad with Burrata
- Pulled Pork with Cherry Amaretto BBQ Sauce
- Blood Orange Elderflower Spritz
- Campfire Double Butter Bourbon French Toast
- Eggplant Sandwich with Pistachio, Tarragon Pesto & Burrata
- Potato Pizza with Smoked Mozzarella, Truffle & Rosemary
Thanks for stopping by.
Cheers! Prost! Salud! Cin Cin! And most obviously, OPA!
Wanna collaborate or get in touch?
Email me at openplateanthropology@gmail.com. Media Kit available upon request.